I'm New
What happens during a worship service?
We have two screens posted up front to help you follow along in our services! Plus, a bulletin is provided with the service information too. We sing hymns/songs both traditional and newer, a blend for all to enjoy! The pastor's message is about 15 minutes, and on varied weeks we offer a message for the children. (The children are invited to come forward for their message) Weekly communion is offered with bread/ wine/ and grape juice. Children activity bags are available for those young ones who would enjoy having something to read or color during the sermon/service. Our worship service begins at 10:30 am, usually finishing shortly after 11:30 or 11:40.
What do people wear to the worship services?
You will see a variety of fashion on Sundays, from very casual to more dressy. We have no dress policy, we would just love to have you with us!
What else should I know?
We invite you to fill out a "visitor card" when you attend our worship. This is a great way we can send you additional information about our church activities, AND, get more acquainted with you!
Do you have a Nursery?
YES! A very colorful nursery area is available for your use!! Let us know if you have particular needs.
Where do I park when I visit?
We have a large size parking lot behind the church structure, and you can use the double doors entrance that is close to the parking area. There are no steps, therefore, wheelchairs can be used easily!
Stay for "Munch and Mingle"! Once a month (usually the first Sunday of the month) after the worship time, we offer a great selection of munchies (fruit, cookies, meat, cheeses etc.) in our fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to stay for the food and wonderful conversations among the people. This is a popular event in our congregation!