Children & Teen Ministries

Confirmation Class  has started, but we welcome any new students who would like to join the class.  (6th or 7th grade)
 *We also have a mentoring program for our teens.  An adult mentor includes them in some special events and talks.
 *Our Confirmand students are currently enjoying their "secret
angel" program.  This continues through the month of October.


What teens need today!

* Teens need Christian models and mentors.
* Teens need community. A place where they can be encouraged in the right ways.
* Teens need mission. They can bring friends to youth group to hear the message of Jesus!
* Teens need Bible understanding and God's Truth. Leaders can help answer their questions.
* Teens need a safe place to confide. They need a healthy place to seek life's answers.

If you enjoy working in teen ministry, let us know!

Children Ministry

We are working in advancing in our Children Ministry program. When special events are planned, you will be sure to know this on our web page! Our church library has some wonderful books for YOUR use, that help children in their Christian growing up! Anything from crafts, and family activities that teach about the Bible.

Does your child have a Bible suitable for their age? Let us show you more about this!

Teaching your children about Jesus who offers them love and hope for their life now and always!