Devotions and Bible Study

Our Feet! Talking about feet in the Bible?

Our feet are beautiful! Really? Let's review the reading in Romans about beautiful feet. Tap the blue letters to read on.

Rarely are two feet on a person the same size!  Toenails grow more slowly than fingernails.  There are just a few little facts...about your feet!
The Bible says "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" (from Romans 10:15)
This passage is very similiar to Isaiah 52:7.

We all enjoy good news!  It's good news when a student gets high grades in school, and good news when no person is harmed in a horrible storm!    Good news revives our spirits.  We have very good news in the Bible, that needs to spread around the world.  God has done something "big" for us.  He planned for us to receive salvation and eternal life.   

Jesus came to teach us.  He also died on a cross and then rose again from his death.  When we repent of our wrongs and accept Jesus as our Lord, our believing in Him takes us from the darkness of this world to the promise of light and the joy of heaven, when Jesus calls us to join Him.  

Our good news does not have just a day of joy.  We are speaking of eternal joy!   Who do you know that needs some good news?   Will you be the "feet" of the person taking this message to someone?  Speak of Jesus, and how much He loves us, and desires for all to live with Him eternally.  

Paul, a follower of Jesus, said..."I am so eager to preach the good news" (Romans 1:15).  Be eager and never ashamed or shy about this news for all the world to hear.

God be with you today, and bless you with His peace.


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